I was able to SOLO Bristlebane tonight ..
ehhe. sort of 8-)
Lenen (BotB Povar) Druid helped .. a lil ..hehe. Like by keeping me alive
for the 5 hours and 20 mins it took to kill him .. HAHAH.
Lenen kept porting back to BB and using his mana stone and with the help
of a Cleric friend of his in BB who healed him up as he stoned down (Len y
are you naked?) ... he was able to cont to port back up to PoM and keep me
alive the whole fight .... hehe. I did ALOT of Fungi kiting (running
around while getting summoned wearing a fungal tunic to regen faster then
the NPC chasing you).
I had intended to get a screen shot of a complete SOLO of Bristlebane ..
but it would have taken about 16 hours by my calculations ..hehe. I had
started solo when Lenen felt bad for me hearing me give updates in Guild
Chat ... so he came up and really cut down the time it took to kill him
... hehe.
Still Im sure killing a god with only 2 ppl is still a server-wide first
... hhehe. I'll post screen shots and log totals tomorrow 8-)
Also please note: NO EXPLOITS were used in this fight .. just summon
kiting and lots of porting and toe-to-toe fighting ... hehe.
Bristlebane only hits for 139's and as a rogue Backstabs for at least 417+
.. I didnt want to find out exactly what his max was ...hehe. He only
regens 1 hp per click (6 secs) which is why he can be Fungi-Kited ... but
he has AT LEAST 775k Hps .. thats the damage I did .. not including ALL
the nuking and FREE DOTS the Lenen added!!! .. so more likely 1 MILLION
Hps !!! .. ehehe. I took 542,800 damage during the fight .. ehhe. Thanks
Lenen and Fungi Tunic / Fungi-Staff / Mend (Alot) ...ehehe
All in all it was just a crazy fight ... because if you FD or Bristlebane
loses agro .. he immediately despawns ..hehe. So no rest for the
Also of note was the since Bristlebane spawns everyday at 9am as well as
the many puppet gods behind stage ... ehhe. as we fought through more then
1 game day .. the puppets in the back started to multiply !!! .. eheh.
I'll get screen shots and more info when I get back on line tomorrow on
Till then this is Irontaail "The Mad" wishing you all a great
night 8-) |